Political Candidate Websites
Political Candidate Websites – Case Studies

Sean Strub for Mayor
Milford, Pennsylvania
The Brief
Milford, Pennsylvania Mayor Sean Strub needed a website, but needed something that was not only professional, and polished, but needed it delivered fast, and within budget. Additionally, it needed to be flexible, allowing for the easy addition of future content. Professional imaging and branding were also high-priority to the project.
The Approach
Delivering powerful political candidate websites to any campaign is a crucial element to success. Quality and timeliness are a must. We were able to furnish Sean a set of images that were professional, but not posed or stiff. It was important that we highlighted the candidate in “real-life.” Because of the deep pool of quality photos of the mayor, we were able to find imagery that highlighted him as he truly is, a hard-working public servant. The photographs, combined with quality, accurate and clear text, along with a new logo that was created, all dovetailed well together.
The Result
With the race for mayor already underway, Webvantix was able to quickly bring all the necessary elements together and deliver a website that accurately portrays the candidate, while allowing for fresh content to continue to flow in and grow the site at the tempo the campaign wishes to move.

Graham McLaughlin for D.C. Council
Washington, DC
The Brief
Washington, D.C. resdient and longtime activist Graham McLaughlin decided to run for City Counci-at-Large. Running on a platform of equality, and working to promote all people, including those once incarcerated, Graham’s campaign’s idea was to embrace goodness, and caring for each other. He wanted that to shine through in his website.
The Approach
Critical to the success of the project was portraying the true Graham. A person who has worked, truly, selflessly in the pursuits of eqality. Loving one’s fellow human beings, and respect for all people.
The Result
Over many changes and alterations to hone his message, we worked with Graham to ensure the site reflected who he is personally, both through written and visual content.
“Preston created an extraordinary website that was clean, professional, and had some flair that multiple constituents commented on. He was both a thought partner in designing it, and also always willing to make changes. I highly recommend Preston for website design, and as a new politician wanting to ensure my first impression was a positive one, it was nice to know that my site was highly professional and represented me well.”
Graham McLaughlin
Washington, D.C