Get Your Project Started

Are You Really Ready to Do This?

The development of a new website is a major undertaking.  Some people go into it expecting their developer to do everything, but that’s impossible.  No one will ever know your business better than you and your employees.  

Here are the Elements We Require Before Taking on a Project

You Must Have Quantifiable Goals

How do you know if your business is successful? You have goals! And just like a business, you need specific goals for your website, in order to udnerstand its effectiveness. Need help setting your goals? We're here for you.

You Want an Audience

One aspect that makes websites work is the creation of new, and quality content. Talking about your business and what is can do is crucial to you site's success. Developing an audience that is interested in that content is a must.

You Must Have Passion

While everyone is busier than ever these days, (what's a weekend?), we want clients who have a deep passion for their business, and for the development of a kick-ass website. Why? Because your new website will help drive that business that you love.

You Must Have Something To Say

Similar to having passion, you must believe that you have something to say about your business. And you probably do! Most business owners know things about their business that need to be said. Is there something special about what you do? Tell everyone!

You Must Have a Budget

I want you to build me the next Facebook for $500. Nope, not gonna happen. A professional website and the consulting that goes with it demands a specific budget. Yes, you can build a site for free, but if you're like each one of our clients, they are way, way too busy for that.

You Must Have Time

A disaster waiting to happen is a business owner who is so scattered that they cannot devote any time to the development of their site. Your site is an extension of your business and a reflection of your professionalism. Find the time to get it done right.

Submit a Project Application for Review

We work on one project at a time. To be considered, please click below to fill
out and submit a Project Application.